I built a Chrome extension to audio-summarize Google search results - with ChatGPT+TTS


New member
Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a small side project I've been working on. Hear Me Out, that's the name of my Chrome extension, free and open-source.

It allows you to transform a Google search result into a summarized audio.

So if you're lazy (like me 😄) or just prefer to listen, this might be handy.

I built this because it's something useful to me, hopefully it can be useful to you as well.

It's also fun to create and I'm learning a lot in the process, I'd be happy to have your feedback on the usage or even on the code!

So how does it work? Just install the extension and follow the instructions 😄
  • When you're on a Google result page, you will see the "HearMeOut" icon next to each result.
  • Upon clicking, it will summarize the page and read it aloud for you using OpenAI's ChatGPT and their TTS.
  • So you will also need your own API key (which is stored on your laptop and not transmitted to me).
I'm new here but I'm more active on X where I "build in public", meaning I share things I'm building so you're welcome to check me out there!

Extension link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hearmeout-gpt-webpage-sum/mgnchihhnmljilldnmpfffclbpapenbm

Code source: https://github.com/BugArtisan/HearMeOut

(For any request/problem, please open an issue on Github)

I've also made a demo video if it's okay to share:

That's it. If you find it useful or have feedback, great! If not, no worries.

It's all about making web stuff 😄

Cheers! 🎧

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