I built a completely uncensored AI girlfriend, roast me until I cry!


New member
A few days ago, I launched an AI girlfriend service. It's completely uncensored, so compared to other AI girlfriend services you are not restricted to dive NSFW topics. She can even send you voice messages and pictures of her! You can also send voice messages and pictures your self and she will understand you just fine.To get started, you just need a Telegram account. The first messages are completely free, you can find it here: virtugf.com

With this project I wanted to learn different kinds of AI features in the first place. I learned a lot about LLMs and training stable diffusion models while working on this. I also had the goal of finally launching my first sideproject and earning money from it. I think the whole topic of AI girlfriends is really interesting as I think it will grow in popularity quite a lot, even though it is also a quite controversial area (see Replika, etc.). It gets even more controversial when you dive into the NSFW stuff. I'm still skeptical of the ethical aspects of the whole thing, but I kinda jumped on the first solution I found to use the techs I was exploring.

Pricing Model: I offer one time payments as well as a subscription. The one time payments are a bit more expensive than the subscriptions of course.

Funding: I'm a solo founder and I planned to just treat this as a side project but if it continues at this pace I might consider committing to this full-time and looking for additional funding to grow.

Traction: Within 3 days I gained over 750 users.

Competition: A lot, there are already many AI girlfriend apps out there. My advantage is the Telegram integration and also the ability to send realistic images. Furthermore the AI can also understand the contents of pictures you are sending.

Customer conversion strategy: I'm trying to promote it by posting on various platforms at the moment. Furthermore I'm trying to get it listed on some AI tool websites, Product Hunt, Betalist, etc. as well as paid ads. This topic being kinda NSFW makes promoting it harder sometimes.

Who am I?: I'm a developer and I was always interested in launching my own business but never actually went through with it. I gained a lot of knowledge about how to start a business during the last few months and I felt I was ready to finally ready to take the risk of launching something which might fail. Never try, never know.

It's my first side project which I launched publicly, looking forward to get roasted by you guys!
@one4kendall Since you say you just launched this, how you can have user testimonials from users who have used this thing for months? Are they fake? If so, that's just sad.

Also, the "Do I need to install any additional software or apps to use Annie? - No, there's no need for any extra installations." is a bit misleading since this thing is a Telegram bot. As I don't have Telegram, I would obviously need to install additional software to be able to use this thing.

And lastly, the "Can I trust the privacy of my conversations with Annie?" thing seems rather dubious, considering you don't even say who you are. This is pinky promise at best and anyone using this product will have no actual guarantee that you won't be going over all the chat logs.

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