I built a Reddit lead generation platform, looking for feedback and beta users


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Hey folks,

Hopefully this is allowed. I have finally deployed to production my SaaS earlier last night: an AI-assisted lead generation tool for Reddit.

"AI" - I know, I know, I hate AI wrappers as much as you do too. The tool I built uses a couple of AI services to really make lead generation different and impactful. I wrote a blog post if you want to know more about it.

Here's the landing page: https://rizz.farm/

Would love your feedback. And if you've got an indie biz to promote, I think this tool could really help you find your users, at least on Reddit. :)

In exchange for your time (and hopefully feedback), I've created a coupon that would give you 90% off for three months: REDDITPROMO

Thank you all!
@brianr "I know a lot of subreddits shun or outright ban self-promotion, so it’s extremely important to have helpful posts." This. Encouraging DMs, linking to a landing page or any other method to convert in a subreddit is a waste of time. This still works on quora some forum sites and, maybe FB groups.

I use reddit scrappers for hot posts to evaluate markets. How is your tool any better than that for people who know how to write copy? At $99/mo. I don't see any value to it.
@ms4runr2 I'm not sure I agree it's "a waste of time" if the posts are providing value, especially for people who are looking for such information.

Writing personalised and relevant content requires a lot of time and effort, Rizz.farm helps the user to scale in this case, significantly speeding up this process. I use the tool myself and often it comes up with ideas or content that I otherwise wouldn't think of.
@brianr Too much copy. Make it simple to understand. I get you are selling software , make it very easy for users to understand what you are selling
@brianr Great Idea! I could see it being useful for me, but it is way too expensive. Some feedback: I got discouraged from using it because my inbox was quickly full, and I wasn't able to dismiss all items with one action. So I wasn't able to test multiple keywords to find optimal ones as removing all items in inbox was too much.

I will probably try it again in future
@blessedbree7 Ah thanks for the feedback, that makes sense, I'll just need to figure out a good way to implement it, as at the moment dismissing a lead will mark the post so it won't be fetched again.

Re pricing, how much are you willing to pay for such a service if you don't mind me asking?
@brianr I think something around 40$/month would be max for me if I really find the leads with it.

Could you give me some tips how to set it up in a way to have best chance of finding potential leads? I am mobile dev freelancer and I am looking for some posts that I could give some helpful answers (which might lead to finding a lead) or some posts that are actually looking for mobile dev.

Also, for generating the message - it would be useful to have optional keywords and negative keywords, so I can have more control over generated message
@blessedbree7 I see, thanks!

Re your question on finding leads - I'm not 100% sure about your particular field, I would probably try keywords like "mobile development", "building apps", "mobile freelancers" to start off with.

In terms of the optional and negative keywords for responses, it's not really possible given how LLMs work. You could however, during the project setup, put in instructions on what words or things you don't like to be used.
@blessedbree7 Oh forgot to mention, if you're would like to test more in the mean time, you can simply delete your project and create a new one to test out more keywords.

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