I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$


New member
I was a bit bored during my semester break and tried to find a way to make some money and came up with the idea of www.OneDollarShoutout.com . (Did it just for fun so even if it doesn’t work, at least I learned sth)

You can buy a shoutout for 1 USD and it’ll be shown on the main homepage until the next person buys the shoutout.

During your shoutout, every time a user comes to the website, he/she will, first of all, see your shoutout.

You only have to submit a link to your profile/business and a picture.
@rocky24 A peak in visibility (don't ask me how, something purely down to luck, an influencer buying a spot, etc.) leading to a kind of FOMO. People who fight to stay featured and buying several times a day. But it's still a long way off 😄
@ouad I bought a 10x10 back in the day. It's the dice cube showing three dots about 1/3 down near the center. Sadly you cannot update the link.
@ouad What was the flow to buy a slot there? Was any competitors back in the days? Do you believe someone can reproduce it again?
@lin1966 This is brilliant! I bought slot #18. Reminds me of the Million Dollar Home page. Which is still there. I bought a 10X10 pixel area for $100 way back then. http://milliondollarhomepage.com/

What's cool is I will check back later and see that #19 has replaced me and I will spend another $1 to appear there again. It's a vanity thing so I will post it to Twitter, etc. Get a feeding frenzy started and you wake up with $1 million in your paypal. :)
@lin1966 See that's the beauty of building something when you are in college, you don't expect much.. and that's when you build cool things.. loved the simplicity of the concept.. good luck!