I built an open-source CLI tool to ingest/copy data between any databases


New member
Hi all, ingestr is an open-source command-line application that allows ingesting & copying data between two databases without any code: https://github.com/bruin-data/ingestr

It does a few things that make it the easiest alternative out there:
  • ✨ copy data from your Postgres / MySQL / SQL Server or any other source into any destination, such as BigQuery or Snowflake, just using URIs
  • ➕ incremental loading: create+replace, delete+insert, append
  • 🐍 single-command installation: pip install ingestr
We built ingestr because we believe for 80% of the cases out there people shouldn’t be writing code or hosting tools like Airbyte just to copy a table to their DWH on a regular basis. ingestr is built as a tiny CLI, which means you can easily drop it into a cronjob, GitHub Actions, Airflow or any other scheduler and get the built-in ingestion capabilities right away.

Some common use-cases ingestr solve are:
  • Migrating data from legacy systems to modern databases for better analysis
  • Syncing data between your application's database and your analytics platform in batches or incrementally
  • Backing up your databases to ensure data safety
  • Accelerating the process of setting up new environment for testing or development by easily cloning your existing databases
  • Facilitating real-time data transfer for applications that require immediate updates
We’d love to hear your feedback, and make sure to give us a star on GitHub if you like it! 🚀 https://github.com/bruin-data/ingestr

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