I built an ugly but working site to share and discover custom GPTs


New member
Hi, I quickly hacked together a barebones site for finding and sharing GPT prompts with AI yesterday:



It automatically indexes tweets contains GPT url posted publicly on Twitter. No fancy design or database, just MVP to test the concept.

Behind the scenes:
  • Data is stored in a simple data.json file that's read/written to add/remove prompts
  • UI is basic Tailwind HTML generated by AI
  • Link scraping and processing logic is also coded by AI
  • No search or categories yet
I know the code is messy but it works for a v1! Feedback and suggestions welcome.

It's amazing how quickly you can build a functioning web app today with AI assistance. I plan to iterate on GPTsHunter over time and add features like search, tagging, user accounts.

But I wanted to launch early and see if people find this useful. Please check it out and let me know.

Let me know what you think!
@verah Hi there, could you please give a reason why we need an unofficial GPTs directory over the official GPTs store about to launch soon? Thanks.
@smiddy10 Thanks for the thoughtful question. Here are a few potential advantages an unofficial community-driven directory could offer: Faster iteration, Open participation, Customizability. You can look forward to more features launching soon.
@bmendez88 Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order.

I have checked 1,902,148,262 comments, and only 359,686 of them were in alphabetical order.

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