I built dozens of super-fast websites using this template. today I'm making it public


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Hey indiebiz 🙋‍♂️

Today I'm sharing my secret sauce... for real


The fastest boilerplate to build blazing-fast websites in record time

I have been a developer for over 5 years and I have always used this boilerplate privately to build and ship super-fast websites

Today I'm making it public so you can use it too for your next project

Get TurboKit

🤔 What is this boilerplate?

- An optimized static website starter kit (HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS)

- Uses a superscript to optimize and minify all files

- It's basically a PWA template with batteries included

🚀 How this achieves a perfect performance score?

TurboKit uses a powerful script to:
  • Minify all images + generate WebP version + resize them
  • Minify JS
  • Minify HTML
  • Minify CSS
  • Generate a SW
  • ... and much more!

🥱 Why should I even care?

Optimizing your website performance is crucial! It helps you:
  • 💲 increase conversion rate
  • 🔻reduce bounce rate
  • 👓 increase users session duration
but I'm sure you know that creating a super optimized website is hard, time-consuming, and evolves configuring a complex build process.

so..? why not leverage this boilerplate to Optimize Your Websites Performance In Minutes Not Weeks! Use TurboKit

👋 Cheers!

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