I created a SaaS in 6 hours


New member
Last week I felt a pain. I had an idea of how to solve it. After 6 hours of thinking and coding and ignoring all best practices for starting a new project I just deployed it.
Prior to that I just did a quick research and secured the domain https://nps.ninja
No clue where this is going
I know for sure that I will be using it. Maybe some of my colleagues as well. Will let you know when I hit 1m ARR
@adamhendron Wow 6 hours is impressive. It took me months to build a simple AI wrapper. That's because I spent a significant amount of time overthinking everything. I envy people like you who can make a decision and then ship.
@santana27 Python or JavaScript, but different frameworks are used for each language. Such as next or astro for javascript.

PHP is an old language and its rarelly used in todays world but is so much better than javascript. People use javascript or python just cause its easier to use and learn, also there is many frameworks to chose from.

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