I created an API to capture website screenshot

@clough There is definitely the market and a competitive one, I dare to say. I need tons of specific screenshots for presentations. (Luckily, I have no problem ranting about my problems so I accidentally got the right recommendation from a friend of a friend.) Anyway, I use this screenshot api that lets you capture screenshots of entire web pages, complete with vertical scrolling, and save them neatly organized. You can set up a web server to accept a list of URLs, then use their api to automatically capture screenshots of each page. Also, you can customize how the screenshots are saved, including file names and directories, and even include the date taken for easy organization. Plus, it provides SDKs and example code for different programming languages, so you can automate the entire process. I've found it really helpful for my projects. And solves the captcha issues and blocks popups/hide cookie banners, as mentioned in the other comment. Yours looks cool, would work for many use cases, not all are as demanding as mine turned out to be.

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