I created The Sandmachine, a super simple noise-machine


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Screenshot of The Sandmachine

TL;DR: A free web-app that plays noise, even when your phone is on mute or locked: https://www.remcomakes.com/the-sandmachine/

Last year I become a dad. As it seems to be the case with all newborns he seemed to have some problems sleeping long stretches at a time. After reading multiple articles and Reddit posts it seemed like it would be helpful to play some white noise so he wouldn't be woken up by tiny noises and to simulate the soundscape in the womb!

I set out to find a free app on the AppStore or just a web app that simply made some noise, but all of them seemed to have some problems! Most apps were either too complex, not free, or wouldn't keep playing when I locked the screen

That's when I decided to create my own!

It's a totally free web-app, and it keeps playing when your phone is on mute or when your phone is locked.


Some extra info:

If you want to read a bit more on how I build it, I wrote a tiny blogpost about that here: https://www.remcomakes.com/posts/introducing-the-sandmachine/

If you want to tinker with it, I kept the Codepen version up-to-date: https://codepen.io/Risc12/pen/oNqrydB?editors=1000

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