I developed an app where you Message Yourself Notes - Luckynote. Best ways to grow?


New member
Hello everybody, I’m honoured to share with you my app for quicker note taking, Luckynote. You can find more about it here luckynote.io

Now that I'm done with development I'm trying to grow it. For the beginning I tried here on Reddit first and next would be Producthunt or Indie Hackers.

I was planning to get into some Facebook groups as well to get more organic grow, but I was also planning to push some Facebook and Instagram Ads.

Do you any better ideas for pushing this kind of product forward?

P.s. I've spent a lot of time optimising the UX and making it as pretty and useful as possible. I'd appreciate the comments regarding that.

How it works:

Edit: Also feel free to upvote the app on Hacker News and Indie Hackers if you find it useful, thanks! :)
@captainspot You’ve clearly found a problem and solved it. Do you know who your audience is that has the problem you solve?

What kind of brand could you build around that audience?

I see you not being a note app, but instead a brand built around helping other organize their day to day life. Making the most of their precious time online. (This is just an example)

Once you’ve been able to do that, now it’s simply marketing the same message to your audience. Instagram, tiktok, etc. to share messages about organization, the uses of efficient note taking, etc.

Reaching out to influencers that represent your audience and leveraging the power of influence to grow.
@isa43 Hi, thanks for thorough questioning and fair points!

Yes, I'm working on finding what the best audience could be and you're right, this is something that can also help you ease your mind out.

I'm planning to reach out to influencers and app reviewers once I get a better view.

Thanks for the tips and time to think about all of this!

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