I DID IT. 7 Figures in Revenue


New member
I (27M) haven’t felt happy or proud of myself since I started this business 4 years ago.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve never stopped to smell the roses or because I’ve always pushed myself more and more. It’s hard to appreciate something when it’s unfolding in front of you it seems.

Well today I felt it - I broke out in tears of joy. An emotion I haven’t felt in a very long time (was starting to think I had become emotionless to be honest lol). I just (an hour ago) deposited and cleared a check which brings me just over a million in revenue for the year.

Thank you to all the real small business owners on here contributing real experience shares. I truly gained a lot of insight regarding what to do and what not to do from this thread. I also gained a lot of wisdom from Entrepreneurs Organization as well which I seriously can’t recommend enough if you’re serious about it scaling.

This is just the beginning, and I’m ready for something different, but they say the first million is the hardest. Not sure if that’s only for cash in the bank or revenue too - but hey, now it seems like nothing! Haha.
@perfect20 I saw your profile name (daytraderz) and am a tad skeptical of your claim for this not to be a low-key recruiting marketing scheme. Because my Twitter and IG inbox is full of “Day Traders” trying to tell me how to get rich just like them.

But on the surface level if you hit 7 figures in revenue making Day Trades for the year, Congratulations!
@coker Hahaha, I made the account when I was first starting and wanted a get rich quick scheme. I’ve kept it to remind myself of my progress. I do commercial pool management and Reno’s.

I did actually use day trading though to start this business out! I turned $3k into $17k flipping SPY options during the bull market before covid. Cashed out, started this business, then BAM, COVID. Haven’t really traded since. Less risk and more reward with the business.

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