I don't know anything about how to run a business but I am making a bunch of money as a agency owner


New member
As the title suggests starting from this November I started my social media management agency , even though I'm at the start I have already have more than 5 clients. At the moment I'm receiving around $2000 per week as revenue . My profit would be around $400 per week. My employees are from African countries like nigeria , Tanzania etc....

Right now I don't have
  • Current account
  • Is not registered as any form of business
From the basic research I done in internet I found out that I can't show the salary I given to non resident as expenses in P&L if I'm not cutting TDS. if I can't show the salary as expenses isn't that means the whole revenue would be considered my income?. I'm confused about this part.....

I need more advices as to which entity I need to register As . How can I plan tax etc...

If someone who already deals with foreign clients and have foreign workers please hit me up . I need some good advices....
@michael6216 Have you thought about registering your company in the USA ? As a Wyoming LLC ? get a Ein and current account there . Then receive and pay directly from there . You can withdraw profits and pay taxes on them. LLC is a pass through entity so you will be paying taxes in India on money you withdraw.

You will also save on forex change coming in and going out.

I would love to hear if anyone can point flaws in this approach .

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