I got zero upvotes on ProductHunt today - Roast my website (which I thought was good)


New member
Just launched my new site AiToolsOnSale.com on ProductHunt today, not a single comment or upvote.

AiToolsOnSale.com is meant to give daily new and exciting discounts to help creators attract a large amount of tech-savy users willing to use new AI tools at a special offer, particularly in initially stages of building a product. Unfortunately. I am seeing zero feedback. So let's keep it rolling in, roast it!
@shaebug Exactly, there’s no product to hunt yet! OP needs to start reaching out to a creators and get them signed up for launch day…at the minute they have neither side of the marketplace in place and are wondering why it’s not successful.
OP needs to start reaching out to a creators and get them signed up for launch day…at the minute they have neither side of the marketplace in place and are wondering why it’s not successful.

Thank you so much! I will iterate on it.
@teapress237 Not substantial enough of a product. I'm signing up for a potential, to get deals, at some point, on AI stuff in general. I'll just wait till I hear about an established option to get deals or search for it before I spend the money on something. It's just not enough to peak my interest.
@teapress237 Besides all the other issues (not really having a product) how did you promote your launch? PH isn't the kind of place you just stick it up there and go viral, you have to build your own momentum on launch day.
@teapress237 That's ok. I think I got like 4 with my launch there.

Unless the ProductHunt crowd is your target audience, you should be able to make things work by taking some of the advice others have given here into account and approaching prospective customers/users more directly.

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