I have a concept MVP needing to be built - I come from an R&D + Sales background looking for a Dev


New member
Brief summary - I come from the business payments and SaaS industry and have discovered a gap in the market (Australian market) for a new b2b webapp to help to help the hospitality, retail and a few other industries.

Please DM to discuss
@oort7 Interested let's hop on a call we have team led by a person with 17 Years of experience building products in finance industry (payment architecture for gateways)
@oort7 That sounds really interesting. I am down to listen to more of the details of you and your idea. So you can dm me about it and i will also send what i have done until now so we can decide if we want yo work together.
@oort7 Hi,

The answer depends on a few key factors:

(1) Do you have a clearly documented Requirements document? Have you decomposed the Requirements into components/ features? Have you defined clear & unambiguous Acceptance criteria for each component?

(2) Have you thought about what Tech stack to use? Have you done any research into this aspect?

(3) Do you have any view of the complexity of the work? How much effort & schedule it is likely to consume?

(4) How much of a Dev exposure do you have? Can you direct & manage a Freelancer or team of freelancers? How do you know that they are not taking you for a ride?

(5) What is the quantum of Intellectual property in the solution? Are you concerned about IP theft?

(6) What is your available funding that you have? How much buffer do you have?

(7) What is your expected timeline for launching?

BTW- None of these are questions for you to respond to in the public domain - This is meant to be a Self-assessment type of questionnaire. Your final decision on how to proceed will depend on the answers to the questions.


If the quantum of IP is high, then you may need to have a CTO who can lead the Dev, and either hire your own team or hire a very reputable IT Firm to handle the Dev with clear NDAs & Non-compete etc in place.


If the quantum of IP is low & the complexity/ term of work is high, then you can Contract the work out to an IT Firm.


If the quantum of IP is low & the complexity/ term of work is low, then you can Freelance the work.

We have built GigsBoard to support these different types of scenarios, to drive trust & win-win for both the Business Customers & Suppliers on the Marketplace. Do check us out, and DM me if you have any more questions.

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