I just launched my first app! 🎉 Gymcircle - Redefining fitness with the power of community and automation. Curious to hear what you think!


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I am excited to share with you the launch of Gymcircle. Redefining strength: the Gymcircle app brings the power of community and automation to your workouts.

The Need

Weightlifting has gone from being merely a hobby to a cornerstone of my life. I consider myself fortunate to have embraced it early on, witnessing its positive impact on all facets of life. It does me good to see popular culture increasingly acknowledge these benefits, a sentiment best captured by Robert Butler: “If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.”

The Problem

However, I observed that many individuals still do not stick with a routine and I found out that about 90% of people stop after 3 months. Why? The main reasons were 1) a lack of progress and structure, and 2) a lack of community and accountability. My longtime training partner and now co-founder, Mick and I took it upon ourselves to solve this.

The Challenge

To realise a vision like this we were faced classic startup dilemma of launching early and adjusting vs aiming for perfection in the first build, what would you choose? We embraced progress fuelled by customer feedback over perfection. Building an app was shaped by a tight budget and limited knowledge, but this is not an issue anymore with today’s incredible tools like Chat-GPT and Fiverr. The main lesson from this for me? However cliche it sounds: in today's world, you can do, learn, or outsource almost anything, the advantage goes to fast movers who build, publish, and adjust quickly.

The Future

Enough about the past, what about the future? First and foremost we believe that in this market a free app version should already be sufficiently valuable to support your fitness journey. Also we see a lot of fitness apps miss valuable users insights due to paywalls. Therefore we keep the app free of charge and continue bootstrapping its development. If you are keen on following our journey, supporting our cause or are into weightlifting yourself, download the app with the link in the comments section. We would love to hear your feedback!

More coming soon.


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