I launched first SaaS an hour ago. This is how I've planned to do marketing


New member
I spent 7 months building a Real-time Google Analytics alternative called SiteBehaviour.com . While working on it, I kept bookmarking some important platforms and ways to market and distribute my SaaS.

First of all, I managed to get a waitlist of 600 people in the meantime I built it using daily $10 Reddit and Meta ads. My overall gains:

Reddit: 750k impressions & 3.5k paid clicks

Meta: 200k impressions & 13k link clicks

Now moving forward, I am launching on
  1. Product Hunt
  2. Micro Launch
  3. indiepa
  4. Betalist
  5. App Sumo
  6. Alternative. Me
  7. pitchwall
  8. indiehackers
  9. indiehackerstacks
  10. toolfinder
.... and 200 more

I am doubling down on paid ads as well by increasing my budget to $40 per day on ads. I'll keep sharing the findings and places where I've launched.

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