I launched first SaaS an hour ago. This is how I've planned to do marketing


New member
I spent 7 months building a Real-time Google Analytics alternative called SiteBehaviour.com . While working on it, I kept bookmarking some important platforms and ways to market and distribute my SaaS.

First of all, I managed to get a waitlist of 600 people in the meantime I built it using daily $10 Reddit and Meta ads. My overall gains:

Reddit: 750k impressions & 3.5k paid clicks

Meta: 200k impressions & 13k link clicks

Now moving forward, I am launching on
  1. Product Hunt
  2. Micro Launch
  3. indiepa
  4. Betalist
  5. App Sumo
  6. Alternative. Me
  7. pitchwall
  8. indiehackers
  9. indiehackerstacks
  10. toolfinder
.... and 200 more

I am doubling down on paid ads as well by increasing my budget to $40 per day on ads. I'll keep sharing the findings and places where I've launched.
@lucyt25 Do you mean, tracking the source of the traffic? Yes we do, in fact SIteBehaviour not only relies on browser Referer but also utm, cid and ref parameters in the URL to conclude the source of the traffic.

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