I launched my SaaS ($1,000 on launch day!)


New member
Hey, fam! 💜

I just launched my new SaaS on ProductHunt.


Your support would mean the world to me.

Pixally is created out of my own needs.

It's a beautiful link shortener with a high focus on tracking.

I wanted to track my sales from all the links I share online, such as links in blog posts, in my YouTube video descriptions, Instagram stories, and link in bios on Twitter/X and other platforms.

With Pixally, now I can.

It tracks every single click with added UTM tags.

And, if I want to, I can even add all of my favorite advertising pixels, such as the Meta Pixel, to track + retarget clicks.

Try it out - there's a limited Life Time Deal running 😄

PS: I soft-launched yesterday to the beta users and already made $1k - woohoo - let's go!


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