I launched one week ago, here is all launch and usage data, I'd love to know what you think


New member
One week ago, I launched talknative.app, an app to practice a language 24/7 by talking with a native speaker created with IA.

Here is a few numbers.

Launch and usage metrics
  • 87 votes on Product Hunt, 44 comments, 21st day rank
  • 905 visits on landing page
  • 428 unique downloads (47%)
  • 282 accounts created after downloading (66%)
  • 242 used the app after creating an account (86%)
  • 50 used the app more than once (21%)
  • 15 DAU
  • 12 subscribed, among those 7 used the app more than once (so 14%)
  • 40€ MRR, 60€ if the ongoing free trials convert



My insights based on those metrics and feedback I got
  • It’s definitely possible to launch a product for free by leveraging your network (LinkedIn for me)
  • When you learn a language, the goal is to talk with ease to a native speaker, and TalkNative innovates with its “learn by practicing” approach, unlike traditional apps where you spend months learning grammar, vocab and sentences while being comfortable speaking/writing stays a long far away dream
  • Onboarding is simple, and the 1st exchanges create a Waouh effect
  • Having to create an account before testing pushes people away
  • Despite the Waouh effect of the 1st exchanges, 80% don’t come back the next day, because (1) the app doesn’t create a habit and (2) full beginners quickly feel overwhelmed by the conversation
  • The app has a good market-fit for people above beginner level, but less for beginners, who represent 60% of users
  • 14% of active users subscribe, and the average number of messages sent per day varies between 4.6 et 8.2, the 10 free messages per day limit is too high
Still hard to say if the idea is validated or not 🤔

I’m thinking I should try to improve the experience for beginners as well as retention before deciding.

What do you think?
@caliber81 The key point here is not necessarily LinkedIn, it’s leveraging your network whatever it is. Everyone has a network: family, friends, co-workers. I leveraged all of that, I posted everywhere. Sure is scary, I hesitated for a long time, but people will support you.

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