I made a lawn care quote generator for a client a few months back, have some questions for you guys!


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I made an interactive lawn care quote generator for a client a few months back and posted the demo here. It got a decent amount of traction and I had a lot people reach out about getting one for their sweaty startup. However, I think the price point for a custom built quote system was too high for a small business (it was usually around $4k).

So, I'm thinking about building an instant quote integration for businesses like junk removal, house painting, lawn care, commercial/residential cleaning, window cleaning etc. I think a service that has some what fixed rates based on a pre-determined amount (e.g $x per sq/footage) something like this could work well.

Some ideas based on feedback last time
  • A full app for easy integration into Wordpress, Wix and Squarespace (You can install it directly from each of their app marketplaces)
  • Customizable color schemes, features and pricing
  • Have some interactive elements to keep your customer engaged and moving through the quote process
  • Add-ons, upsells, distance from your office, and things that will make the job longer can be factored into the quote price.
  • If on mobile, the customer can take a picture/video directly from the quote form. Could be useful for businesses like junk removal for example, so you can see what you're getting in to.
  • I'm looking into some API's to automatically get property sq/ft or house size just from an inputted address if needed (Possibly for lawn care, or residential cleaning).
Why would I use this?

It gets potential customers to paying customers quicker. I find that if I get a reasonable quote upfront and then see someone ASAP, I'm probably going to choose them. I prefer not to call or start an email chain going back a forth to find out that it's not in my price range. This would still include an in-person consultation to determine a final price, but it gets them through the door faster.

Just curious what you think. Of course a junk removal quote system would look much different than a lawn care quote system, so they would need to built different.

I would expect around $10-20/month for something like this, but I'd like to give an extended free period for all of the early users!
@cathyband As a non-sweaty business owner, the ease of quote makes such a big difference. I saw your concept when you posted it and thought it was great and would give added edge over competition in the same space.

Getting a quote can feel like pulling teeth from a sweaty business and I would welcome your quote system when visiting their website in a heartbeat.

The only thing that comes to mind is the ability to upload pictures to the quote system.

You might be able to design and offer different levels of the quote tool to match different price points. $10 a month for square footage and slope, $12 a month to include mileage, $15 to include photos, etc.
@youngseptember Thanks! Glad you liked the last concept. I just want to make that, but in a more accessible way.

Agreed that it gives a edge over competition as I've personally went with companies just because they were the first to give a quote. It makes a huge difference coming from a consumers point of view.
@cathyband I vaguely remember your post and had some discussion IIRC. We have a similar concept but we initially started as landscapers (actually CPA and engineer pair before that), then made an in-house app with instant quote engine to sign up new clients. It may be very similar to your generator. Our local lawn care business got quite successful and decided to make a SaaS app out of it. We just launched our app to all landscapers recently. It comes with instant quote, online booking, branded website for each landscaper, and a whole suite of features to manage their business. If you want to bounce around idea on your app, feel free to reach out. Best of luck!
@zachariahs Yes we we're in contact before! I was going to focus on some other sweaty startup types but it would be great to bounce some ideas off each other. I'll reach out again soon. Best of luck to you as well!
@cathyband I had basically the same experience. We built a couple of custom estimators for cleaning companies and lawn companies and then decided to make a SaaS. We decided to focus on cleaning companies with the SaaS. It’s hard because you have to compete with the CRMs that have online booking included. But it is an interesting space to be in.

What you listed sounds like a lot of work. What is your goal for a timeline?

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