I made a marketplace to connect vetted business entities

Do you trust strangers when it comes to find a business partner?

Share an idea?

How much time we've spent when, suddenly, a partner just ghost us?

I've been working on a new SaaS idea called "Premium B2B Peer" and I'd love to get your feedback and thoughts.

The idea is to create an instant networking platform that uses advanced algorithms to match businesses and users with relevant professional connections. The goal is to make it easier for people to build meaningful professional relationships, whether they're looking for colleagues, industry peers, mentors, or potential business partners.

I've just set up a landing page to start gathering interest and registrations for the waitlist.

Premium B2B Peer

Here how we envision the process:
  1. The user visits the Premium B2B Peer website and register.
  2. The Premium B2B Peer team reviews the provided information and verifies the user's professional credentials (verification and vetting).
  3. After the user is successfully verified, their profile is categorized based on their industry, job function, seniority level, and areas of expertise.
  4. Once the user's profile is set up, the Premium B2B Peer platform's advanced algorithms analyze the user's information and provide personalized suggestions for potential connections.
    1. The user can review the suggested connections and choose to initiate contact with the ones they find most relevant and interesting.
    2. The Premium B2B Peer platform provides easy-to-use messaging and communication tools, allowing users to reach out, introduce themselves, and start building relationships with other trusted partners.
    3. Additionally, the platform hosts virtual networking events, webinars, and discussion groups, providing more opportunities for users to engage with their professional network.
I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look and let me know what you think:
  • Does the concept resonate with you? Do you see a need for this type of solution?
  • What are your initial thoughts on the landing page? Is it clear and compelling? Anything you'd change?
  • Would you be interested in signing up for the waitlist or trying out the product when it's available?
Any feedback, criticism, or suggestions would be incredibly valuable. I'm really excited about this idea and want to make sure I'm on the right track.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Premium B2B Peer


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