I made a usefull REST API to help Frontend developers enrich their portfolio


New member
What you can do with this API

I called it Shadify (means that something is in the shadows, hidden from others). This is a small and fairly easy to use REST API. It contains a collection of puzzles and games for which you can generate different data and do all sorts of logic (like checking if the solution is correct) directly on the server, via simple http requests.

What can I do with it?​

First of all, I think it can be useful for new front-end developers who want to enrich their portfolio with different projects (for many people it is really a problem to find an interesting idea for a new project, so we see a lot of similar todo lists, weather applications and so on). Now you can make interactive apps without worrying about complicated logic and focusing mainly on design.

How can I help the project?​

I want to make this project really useful. That's why I would like to develop it further, adding more and more interesting games and puzzles. So, if you know an interesting or rare puzzle, I'd be grateful if you'd tell me about it. But more importantly, I would like to keep lists of applications that people make with this API. So I would be very happy if you could send me links to repositories with your applications.

Have a nice day!
@mikejones56 Wow great idea. I also think it will be pretty useful for new developers focusing on frontend but also for experienced devs to try out new technologies.
Thank you for providing that API.

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