I made a web analytics tool - webanalytics.tech


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webanalytics.tech is self-hosted web analytics tool built with Node.js and PostgreSQL. It is designed for developers who want complete control over their data, privacy, and infrastructure.

Why another web analytics tool?

Years ago, I had an idea to build a web analytics tool for a high-traffic website I was working on, but due to other priorities, I never did. In December last year, I had free time around holidays and started hacking a web analytics tool for fun, a week later, I had a prototype and decided to continue to work on it as it was pretty enjoyable.

After almost three months, v1.0, is ready. I decided to sell it as a self-hosted tool with simple pricing, purchase once and use forever.

I hope you find it useful :)

Web: https://webanalytics.tech

Demo: https://demo.webanalytics.tech/public?site=fGzqG-6fFKYuQ

@jcreek How it's better than clarity or Google analytics? There's plausible too if anyone wants a simpler one ... Not discouraging you though, since it's not open source or free, just asking.
@jcreek With AdBlock enabled, your website is looking very sad: https://ibb.co/5rtszjK

At the pricing section, the "First year updates free, 70% yearly cost later" sounds odd. I don't know what the 70% thing means.

I think the product looks good. I would imagine a hosted version would attract a lot more customers, but that's just my gut feeling.
@karenwnc I know, a friend told me few hours ago :(

For some reason uBlock ad blocker blocks loading css/js files, probably due analytics word in domain.

"First year updates free, 70% yearly cost later" - means first year your receive all updates for free then next year if you would like to received updates you pay 70% of initial price (you get 30% discount). Let me fix that wording, it is weird :)
@jcreek Nice UI, I would make it a sub. based and lower the prices 16 USD - 19 USD -79 USD etc. also more free tools would be nice to make it more engaging and it would also help SEO. but I don't see what differentiate it from competitors ?
@bleeper123 There are already more than a few web analytics SaaS. I want to try the model of self-hosting. Main differentiator is self-hosting, pay once, and host by yourself, no monthly subscription, you own your data and you can modify tool or integrate with existing app.

It's built with nodejs and Express, pretty standard node app that should be easily modified to fit different needs.
@jcreek I always have this concern with self hosting SaaS
"I would have to manage all the persistent layers now"

Bigger companies wouldn't worry about this as they can have dedicated staff to manage the app/servers.

It's better to use a hosted SaaS for smaller startups or solo makers

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