I made an AI-powered chat moderation bot for your Telegram community


New member
Hey r/SideProject makers!

👋 I'm Ben and I recently built [https://watchdog.chat**](https://watchdog.chat), an AI-powered chat moderation bot for your Telegram group.**

🍿 Demo video:

🤖 Fully automate chat moderation for your Telegram community with AI and never worry about rulebreakers, trolls, or spambots again!

👮‍♂️ Define rules in plain English. You can even customize the rules and associated punishments per community or per channel

💰 Pricing starting at just $9/mo, with an additional 2 months free if you pay annually. Free trial available with all plans.

🤮 Allergic to subscriptions? Don't worry, there's also a one-time (credit-based) pricing if your community is just getting started, and the credits never expire 🙌

🙏 Check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks so much.
@kat7 Great to finally see it out in the wild, Ben!

Was great fun beta testing Watchdog. It's awesome to witness the potential for AI in moderating trolls and undesirable messages in my communities and chat groups. Since adding Watchdog to my local chat group, I no longer worry about not catching spam messages in the chat while I'm asleep.
@kat7 Hey, your chatbot is a good fit for our community tools directory (tools that can be useful for community building). I invite you to add it there (himingle.com). It's free)

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