I made an app where you Message Yourself Everything - Luckynote (Web, iOS, Android)


New member
Hello everybody,

I’m honoured to share with you my minimalist app for quicker note taking, Luckynote.

Yes, I know the comments of new note taking popping up daily, but as a vivid note taker I have tried a lot of them and I haven’t found any that cover my needs fully, thus I decided to create one.

I've spent a lot of time optimising the UX and making it as pretty and useful as possible. I'd appreciate the comments regarding that.

Luckynote is a note taking app that takes the shape of a messenger app. You’re sending yourself notes as messages. Imagine Telegram or WhatsApp but only for yourself. Every message is a note that is upgradable with url previews, files and images. Every message can be starred or made as a task and moved to the dedicated folder. The app comes with a browser extension which helps greatly with bookmarking. You can find out more in the video (mobile preview starts at 1:19)

The goal of Luckynote was to satisfy my needs first, which I more than achieved, the second part is to see if it can help somebody else as well.I personally still use other note taking apps for other purposes, but most of my daily routine revolves around Luckynote. Of course the idea is to upgrade the app to cover those cases as well but that comes with time.

I hope you like it and will help you in your daily life.

You can find the app on luckynote.io

It’s available as a Web and Mobile (iOS and Android) app and it comes with a browser extension.

If you have any ideas, suggestions or you want to join Beta testing, feel free to reach out to [support@luckynote.io](mailto:support@luckynote.io) or just write a comment below.

Additionally please feel free to let me know how you feel regarding this video. Is it too long, do you understand the concept of the app, etc. I’m more than open to suggestions. :)


How it works:
@captainspot Open WhatsApp, rather an open Telegram.

Make a group with yourself and one more person. Remove the other person.

You have all the features this app can provide + unlimited message + no extra apps needed.