I made over 2k from my digital product/side hustle in 2 months


New member
I launched my first-ever digital product in February of this year.

And in the last 2 months, I’ve made over $2K+ selling it.

The good part > it doesn’t take any time for me to deliver, so it’s completely passive income.

The product that I’m currently selling is my “No Bullsh*t Startup Guide

It’s a notion template that contains step-by-step actionable advice to grow, launch and scale your business.

I started to list down all the actionable advice, tools, and places to share your startup as I was using it to grow my own startup.

Then, I made a post on Reddit 2 years ago just for funsies. I kept using the aguide and adding to it as I worked with over 200 startups launching and growing their companies, as well as my own startup Cicero.

Something just came to me where I was like, “You know what, I should sell this Guide”

I’ve sold over 40 copies of this Guide since I’ve launched. Most of the people actually came from Reddit and my Linkedin.

I did several posts in various subreddits which got over 70K+ impressions and got me a huge bump in sales. I’m also using LinkedIn and Twitter to occasionally promote this product.

I also have a free Checklist which has fewer action items, explanations, breakdowns, and resources compared to the paid version.

A person enters his email to get the free guide and is put into a 8-9 emails nurture sequence for selling the paid guide.

They are then added to my newsletter where I share weekly startup advice to keep buyers engaged.

Digital products, like mine, can be a great side hustle and an excellent way to earn extra money. They provide a structured way to monetize your expertise and advice.

I’ve seen guides and digital products like mine sold as monthly recurring products for $100-250/month. Like DemandCurve or Trends.vc

There is a lot of potential in using digital products as a top-of-the-funnel mechanism to engage and build an audience around your niche. Then, you can use your audience to sell higher ticket stuff (mentoring, coaching, classes, workshops, or software).

So, If you have valuable advice or expertise to share, consider creating a digital product. With the right promotion and sales strategy, it can be a great way to turn your expertise into a passive income stream.

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