I noticed four important elements in landing pages that attract customers


New member
Hey everyone! I am working on a new landing page for our startup's upcoming launch. Right now, I am researching a lot about landing pages. I recently summed up four important elements of a good landing page in my newsletter. Thought I can share here if it's helpful for anyone!

1. Straightforward Call to Action

A good landing page should have a straightforward, simple, and preferably single CTA. CTA should be visible without having to scroll down. It should be paired up with a clear value proposition conveyed by hero images or videos.

2. Reasons to Click CTA

For people who are not convinced at first glance, they might be intrigued enough to scroll down. Throughout the rest of the landing page, we should provide more reasons to convince values using visuals showcasing products, benefits, and social proofs.

3. A Good Lasting Impression

Sometimes, we don’t meet our customers at the right time or the right place, but it doesn't mean we won't get a second chance. Strike a good impression, and prepare for our second encounter with clear, beautiful site design.

4. Good SEO

All of the above elements are to convert people who have already landed on the landing page. Good SEO is to ensure more people will end up on the landing page. Good SEO is like a good book cover, it gets people to flip through your book.

The original post have additional details and visual examples of landing pages. If you enjoyed this post, you can subscribe to my build in public newsletter.
  1. Speed
Load above the fold content in an instant, no funny AJAX loading calls whatever, also don't overload with JS animations as it blows the fans up on many machines.

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