I released my side project 2 weeks ago after 1.5 years of development


New member
After lots of ups and downs the past couple of years in my life, I finally managed to release a side project I've been working on for nearly two years.

It's an invoicing API that you can integrate into any app, which generates dynamic and customizable invoices which include payment links so your customers can pay you easier and quicker.

I've dedicated so much effort the past year to this since I have a 9-5 job which drains me. I've worked after hours, weekends, public holidays, etc. But it feels great that I can finally say that it's "released". I say released with quotes because the development is not over yet. I plan to add dozens more unique templates, an online invoice generator so not only devs can use the platform, and a few other things. I'm in this for the long haul and I'm 100% dedicated to making this app successful.

Let me know your thoughts!

@theoden It is really awesome and truly motivating to build something of our own... without signing in when I have checked it, all page transitions and overall performance parameters are seamless.. all the best...
@theoden I really like the idea especially since the market is obviously massive. Though most companies already have some invoicing software, so why should they use yours if I may ask?
@bmkaplan Yes I concede that it's difficult for companies that have already established invoicing software setup to switch to this. Especially if those softwares are offering much more than simple invoice generation which many are. My app is more targeted to pure invoice creation (plus payment) without all the bells and whistles.

I started the app with the idea that I'll have 100 templates to choose from, and maybe it's not realistic to create so many but I want to make that another selling point, that I'll have so many unique designs that stand out from the bland templates you usually get in invoice software. I already have some special designs I plan to add.
@theoden Yeah I know for instance in Italy we have to pay like 240€ a year for electronic invoices that are automatically sent to the IRS equivalent and are mandatory at this point. Doesn't seem like templating would be a selling point for anyone here but I don't mean to put you down, I like your site and dx a lot

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