I Run My Own Small Staffing Agency And Want To Teach Others - AMA!


New member
I've just recently posted in r/sidehustle and r/Entrepreneur about how I launched a YouTube Channel to try and teach other's how to start their own Permanent Placement Staffing Agency. There was a lot of interest so I wanted to post it here so you can ask me anything about the remote staffing industry and/or what I do!

For more context, the video I shared talks about how it all works for less than $200 in upfront costs. It can be found here: (
). I'm going to be getting more and more specific as I go, but bare with me, I'm new at this!

I've worked in the staffing industry for a few years and have recently gone off on my own remotely. Personally, I think this is a severely underrated way to earn a side income. There's a really small learning curve, you don't need technical experience, and the rewards are extremely high.

It has already replaced my full-time income because I'm able to collect full fees and not the small percentages that agencies give their recruiters and account managers. I can survive off of 2 big fees a year. But that being said, I'm a 29 year old who is single, doesn't have a mortgage and is pretty much a minimalist. I travel full-time (posting this from London) and pretty much only need my MacBook and a Skype Subscription to run my agency. All of my clients are US based, so I get to sleep in.

Eventually, I'd like to provide consulting/coaching services on how to start a staffing agency from zero to one. I've also thought about a profit-sharing type model, where I only get paid if I make someone else successful. I think there are a lot of possibilities if I can garner enough interest.

Any feedback on the channel, my videos, or if you'd like to know more here, I'd be happy to answer any questions. If you see this post somewhere else too, please don't judge. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

@its_namex Holy shit. Not to resurrect a thread, but this just spoke to me. I spent a few years some time ago as a staffing recruiter / on-site manager in the mid-2000s and something like this has been on my mind ever since an old co-worker opened up a non-prof that only staffs vets. If you don't mind, I'd like to rack your brain once in a while...
@its_namex Okay, color me interested. I have family who purchased a staffing company in the south a decade ago. Within a few years, they built the business from ~$400K/yr to more than $15MM in gross sales, and while I don’t have exact numbers, they’ve made reference to making 45-50% annual net profit with a full time staff of fewer than five people managing the hundreds of people they place each year. Low overhead, high profitability, and with the current trajectory of the US economy, staffing appears to be good business for the next decade plus.
@kenadi That's obviously an amazing result for them. I wouldn't promise such things to my subscribers because that takes a lot of personal grit. That's why I stick with the "One placement can change your life." Because it can!

Low overhead, high profitability, and with the current trajectory of the US economy, staffing appears to be good business for the next decade plus.

This is more so the message I'm trying to spread.
@its_namex Staffing is a great business. I’ve been in contractor fulfillment and management for over a decade and I’m earning nearly $30k a month.
@613jono Thanks for the input! It's an industry that not many people know is within reach. Everyone has been so much into drop shipping or digital marketing thinking it can give them "financial" freedom, but I think the learning curve is small enough in staffing to make it more realistic.

Edit: Spelling / Grammar

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