I started my first company at 24. I think I was too young and inexperienced


New member
Didn’t focus on the right things and ended up struggling.

That first experience was difficult.

But it also taught me a lot.

I have been building my 2nd business for a year now.

I am 29 now.

And the experience is entirely different.

It’s 10x more fun and easy.

Here is why:

1/ I just do what I f@$ing want.​

You’re your own boss so why spend any time doing what you don’t love?

Of course, I do take time here and there for things I don’t love doing but that represents max 15% of my time.

I don't "force myself" more than that.

2/ I focus on having a great day.​

I don’t know about tomorrow. I don’t know what results I am going to get.

And I don’t care. I just love my day-to-day. That’s all I care about.

This is how I can put in 9 to 10 hours of intense work every day and wake up every day motivated.

3/ I love my co-founder.​

We have complementary skills and we know how to support each other.

Well, we would know... we are married to each other in "real" life. :)

4/ I am becoming patient as hell.​

I think patience is the most underrated professional skill. This is what I had to work on the most.

Not my marketing or tech skills: Patience.


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