I studied Obvi and their influencer strategies that turned a start-up into a $3m brand. Here are 5 strategies from their playbook


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I spent a week researching Obvi's influencer marketing strategies. This niche wellness brand managed to explode in popularity, and revenue went from 0 to $3M in 3 years.

Thanks to their successful influencer marketing strategy.

Here are 5 things you can steal from their playbook to grow your own brand. 👇

🌱 1 - Product Seeding

Obvi sends products to creators for genuine reviews & increased brand visibility.

- Seed 100+ creators every week

- Craft a memorable unboxing experience

- Follow up and onboard them as ambassadors. Use tools like SARAL to make this process efficient.

💸 2- Tiered Reward Structure

Obvi offers increased commissions as they reach higher sales milestones.


- Incentivizes creators to promote the brand more and go to the next reward tier

- Retains top creators for the long run

📱 3 - Whitelisted Ads

Obvi uses influencers' accounts for sponsored ads, which seem more authentic. When you're choosing creators for whitelisted ads, pick those that:

- Have audience in your target demographic to accurately build lookalike audiences

- Are getting engagement on their organic content

🎨 4 - Creator-Generated Content

To maintain a fresh content stream, they depend highly on creator-generated content.

Ideas for repurposing:

- Extract snippets and use in emails or on landing pages

- Re-share on social media

- As ad creatives

🤝 5 - Building Long-Term Relationships

Obvi emphasizes genuine, long-term relationships. For their founders, influencers are not just sales machines but brand advocates.

They treat influencers like VIP customers, keep them updated about new products, show appreciation, and organize meetups.

Keep adding value beyond monetary compensation.

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