I want to convert a 6 garage stall into a small vintage shop, I’m located in Minneapolis MN, need advice please


New member
I don’t even know if it’s possible or legal to convert these garage stalls into a store front? It’s 6 separate garage units, please give me somewhere to start to find out how to bring this to fruition. I’m wondering if it’s legal / possible to run a business out of some random garages.

Thank you
@oceankeeping As others have said it is up to zoning. However, even if you can do it know it will forever be freezing inside. You willl be battling making it comfortable in the store and energy costs will be significant. Especially in MN winters. It may be easier and cheaper to find a more traditional store location that the owners are willing to let you make changes to and add a few pf those bar style glass roll up doors for the more industrial look you are going for. They can be double paned these days for insulation.
@oceankeeping Check with licensing and permits for your county/city as a start. They will tell you if you can run a business there, also what the requirements for the space will be. You'll also need to discuss business licensing, permits, and other topics.

You're going to need significant investment in insulation and heating at a minimum before you can even stand in that space for more than an hour in Minneapolis, let alone run a business out of there. Your inventory and customers would likely freeze to death in the Winter.
@oceankeeping Depending on the size, you may also be required to have an accessible bathroom, have a swing/emergency door, fire separation from a neighboring business, a certain number of parking stalls including handicapped, etc. If your zoning allows it (call your city planning dept, planners are usually very helpful) then the next step is to call a local architect for a feasibility study. They can tell you what the building code requirements are for your specific use, and what your building needs specifically. Expect to pay a few thousand dollars for this.
@oceankeeping “It’s 6 separate garage units”

Most likely, it will not be financially feasible to co-join six separate garage units into a single structure.

Also, is the garage units located on separate parcels of land? If so, the parcels will need to be assembled as single property.

This sounds like more problems that what it’s worth.