I will test your app / website ASAP and provide constructive feedback. Send me the link!


New member
I will respond to the first 10 requests right away. And after that, I'll rank all the apps starting from the most enjoyable experience / best value to the least. Leeeets goooo! 🚀


Update #1: Today, I was able to review 7 apps out of 10. But I will come back tomorrow!

Here is my personal rating so far (I favored the apps that delivered what they promised and marked down the ones where I faced issues that kept me from getting the expected value).
  1. Typeflo.io — awesome app, great landing page, smooth onboarding
  2. indiegoodies.com — great visuals and tons of curated goodies
  3. https://sendnotes.co — many (hidden) valuable features
  4. wavtool.com/waveforms — simply works
  5. https://www.bomsourcingguide.com/ — very simple design, but it delivers the promised value
  6. https://productlogz.com — great landing page and engaging walk-through video
  7. https://www.amigosdomiles.com — cute design and interesting concept
To be reviewed tomorrow:
@kylep3866 Hi! Typeflo is just awesome. Congrats on building such a great product!

I greatly enjoyed the concept of the app, as well as your UX copy and visuals. Lot's of things that surprised me in a positive way (e.g., analytics, clear interface, helpful suggestions when clicking on "?" icon, etc.). Onboarding was very smooth except for one problem that I encountered (see below).

User journey:​

User task: create a blog for my organization so that I could quickly and easily publish updates and share news.
  1. Landing page: clear title and eye-catchy animation that demonstrates the value of the product: the blog in the picture meets my expectations, so I click on "Show our Showcase" button while skipping the rest of the landing page.
  2. Showcase page: clear title highlighting the simplicity of blogging and resonates with my goals. I click on the first example.
  3. Loyally AI Blog: I love the layout (I expected something similar to Medium) and I am more than happy with functionality: tags, share button, email collection form, etc. So I go back and click on "Begin your Blogging Journey" button and Sign Up.
  4. Onboarding feels easy and quite simple. I struggled with "Blog Heading", but I clicked in "?" icon and saw a helpful example of a heading. I am very happy so far :)
  5. Dashboard: I want to add my first post. I click "Create new post" and expect that I'd need to select a file on my Google Drive.
  6. Adding new post: I click on "+Import from Google Docs" button — that's what I need. But I like the fact that I can also write and edit the post right from the platform. I am going to Google Drive to find the file that I want to import (this is the most effortful action so far. I'm used to connecting my google drive and searching the files from the app I'm using (like I do in Notion). I published and clicked "View Blog" button to see the published post
  7. ❌ I encountered a technical problem: my post was not published as I expected. It's just an empty blog. I am frustrated. I refresh. It doesn't work. Then I go back to the dashboard thinking that I did something wrong. Nope. Everything looks great. I click "View blog" again and it finally works. 🎉
  8. Everything looks like I expected. Now I'm curios about other capabilities and ready to explore the platform further.
Good luck with your product!


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