Idea: A way to buy things from different vendors using a single login


New member
Hi All

Apologies if this is the incorrect sub. Can I get some feedback on my idea:

A site where users are able to purchase from different vendors. The barrier to buying from each vendor individually is needing to sign up and then enter credit card details and shipping address etc. With my proposal, you sign up once with your credentials, and then buy from all different retailers.

A picture paints a thousand words, so see the attached image for a (very rough) idea about what I am thinking.

@zybercon Great idea, think about the challenges you/others have faced to see the need for this service, because their is already a ton of competition.

I am thinking of PayPal, it basically works on every website, and only requires one sign on to memorize or my finger which I only lose occasionally.

There is always room for a better product, I am just convinced you have found it ;) yet

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