[Idea Feedback]: App that locks your phone/devices during scheduled time and asks to answer 3 questions to unlock


New member
Everyone around me complains of how constant use of devices is stressing them out. I wake up in the morning and check my phone and most days some notification, maybe a meeting, maybe stock price, maybe news makes me say dammit (stressometer 1). I goto bathroom and read news, Trump somehow manages to do something to piss me off (stressometer 2). As i grab coffee i look at Facebook and some random acquaintance has posted a wonderful picture of vacation in Belize, i have nothing against them but mentally i am like, shit my life sucks (stressometer 3). At work i am using computer over 8 hours (stressometer 25). This goes on and on because my phone is always next to me and even while watching Netflix i pick it up and unlock just out of habit.

I feel this app is like an honest confession to unlock. Maybe it has pre-defined questions and if you say yes to all it unlocks. If you say no and dont unlock it tells you how many times you managed to be stress free.

What do you all think? I would love to get some honest feedback.