Idea for small sales orgs


New member
Looking for feedback on this app idea:

For any B2B company to grow, it’s required that their sales organization has a solid understanding as to why customers chose to move forward with them or, more importantly, why they didn’t.

A pain point I’ve seen at many companies is that this is harder to quantify than you would think. Most orgs have the sales reps choose a single reason, at the end of the sales cycle, to indicate why they did/didn’t choose your company. However, relying on the sales rep to choose the “correct” reason is very inconsistent and subjective. Sales reps nowadays must log all of their notes in a CRM, but they don’t have time to waste to go back through all their notes and they also could look bad for choosing the actual reason (e.g. choosing “product issue” could make it seem like you don’t know the product well enough).

To solve this, I’ve created a v1 app where someone (Ops, finance, sales leaders, etc) can upload their sales orgs CRM notes and get a custom report sent to them that provides insights on why customers did/didn’t choose them. The app takes in the notes, then uses AI to analyze and categorize them into a list of reasons. Then, because it’s v1, the AI imports that data into an excel spreadsheet template that has a prebuilt reports. That spreadsheet is then emailed to the user.

To monetize, I’m thinking I’ll give some basic spreadsheet away for free and then charge for more advanced reporting. Potentially get to a state where there’s more automated reporting in-app and make it subscription based.

Here’s what v1 looks like:

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