If you could borrow @levelsio's brain for a 1-1 chat, what would you ask him?


New member
over the past few days, I got the AI craze and came up with the idea of creating a 2nd brain for Peter Levels based on his internet knowledge (AI ChatBot).

The end goal would be to have him own & enrich his 2nd Brain with his personal data (from WhatsApp, notion, email …).

WTF is the value of that ai bot?

For the community, 1-1 chat with Peter Levels 24/7. Get valuable advice for your business.

Think of questions like:

- how can I make more revenue?

- what's the best marketing strategy for reaching out to users x, y, and z?

What do you think? Would you be interested in talking with his 2nd Brain? What would you ask him?

Curious to hear your thoughts
