If you were looking for a hands on investor willing to give 5-10 hours a week, What skills and expertise would you be looking for and find useful?


New member
I am both a small business owner and an investor so I have been on both sides of this coin a few times. Both trying to decide what is best when looking for new partners and as someone trying to offer value as an investor.

As I have the desire to help more small businesses grow (not looking to advertise or find any deals here), I wonder what you all feel you need?

The things I personally give to a small busines is
  1. money
  2. connections
  3. the understanding of how to run a business, the basics.
  4. an ability to problem solve
  5. an ability to negotiate
  6. an ability and the time to get hands on
  7. a great ability to work through the math and a, b, c of a busines.
  8. real world small business experience
Some of the things I am currently working on in order to help that I know would infinitely help me are
  1. the ability to build a great p&l
  2. the ability to be hands on in the organizational aspects of the business
  3. the ability to use excel rapidly and effectively
  4. and on and on
So if you are a hands on investor or a small business owner and feel like you need something beyond just money from a partner (who is never going to be a full time operator) then what are those needs.

Basically I am looking to better myself as a hands on investor.

Thanks for indulging my question. Hopefully it can be useful for the community in general.
@daily7 If I were looking for an investor (which I'm not) to help out for 5-10 hours a week, I'd look at my top 3 weakest areas in running my business and make sure the investor is strongest in at least one of the 3 weak areas. This way, our skills complement each other's, and we can give the business the best chance of success.
@daily7 I’m a new YouTuber. I have built a very humble following over the last month, growth is slow but steady. I highly suspect I could use someone to help me grow a bit faster. Probably some sort of social media coordinator. I suck at it.
@daily7 It’s called Teatime Thots. I believe the handle is @teatimethotswithmorgan

It’s just a dumb Reddit reaction channel. But I’d kind of like to one day do voice work as a side hustle, so it gets my voice out there.

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