If you're a DTC founder struggling with influencer marketing, here are some insights I collected from top 5 podcasts


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I recently binged on 5 influencer marketing podcasts featuring marketers and founders from brands like Athletic Greens, Olipop, and Oathaus.

As someone who's always trying to get better at influencer marketing, I found their insights super useful.

Here are some of the key takeaways:
  1. For luxury brands, prioritize a smaller number of high-quality UGC pieces that align with your brand identity, rather than focusing on quantity.
  2. As your brand evolves, be prepared to reinvent your influencer marketing approach every 6 months to effectively reach different customer segments.
  3. Monitor organic influencer content featuring your product to gauge audience interest and identify potential paid partnership opportunities (I'm using getsaral to do this for my brands).
  4. Having founders actively engage with fans on social media platforms like TikTok can help your brand stay connected to trends and your target audience.
  5. Influencers often have a deeper understanding of social media algorithms compared to traditional content creators, making them more effective at driving engagement.
  6. Diversify your influencer partnerships across various niches and platforms to find the most cost-effective and impactful collaborations for your brand.
  7. Provide influencers with key educational information about your product, but avoid strict scripts to maintain authenticity in their content.
  8. Leverage your own following as a founder to test product-market fit and validate concepts before launching full-scale influencer campaigns.
  9. Create unique, themed PR boxes for influencers to generate excitement and drive traffic during major brand milestones, such as retail expansion.
  10. Analyze which product features or usage scenarios drive faster repurchase rates, and focus influencer content on highlighting those aspects to boost sales.
If you want a list of all podcasts and more details about the strategies shared in each one, let me know in the comments. I will share them