I'm building an uptime monitoring service for API workflows! Looking for some fedback


New member
Hey y'all,

I'm building multistepuptime!

It's a config driven uptime monitoring service powered by Step CI, an open source API testing framework.

  1. Integrations. Get notifications wherever you need them: Pagerduty, SMS, Slack, Webhooks, Zapier, Email.
  2. SSL Testing. Receive instant alerts for expiring or invalid certificates.
  3. Simple and inexpensive pricing. Credit based pricing model. Pay only for what you use.
  4. Multi-location tests. Tests run in multiple geo locations, with downtimes confirmed from at least 2 diffferent locations.
  5. Monitor uptime for API Workflows. Leverage an open source QA testing framework to capture variables, chain requests, and more.
  6. Measure Performance. See your response times for every request to reveal performance bottlenecks.

Zero commitment credit based pricing plan: Pay for what you use. 1 credit = 1 step of an API test. All features are unlocked out of the box.

Would love some feedback!

Some questions i'm looking to get answered:
1. Is the simple pay as you go model appealing? Or do you think monthly subscription with tiers is the way to go?
2. Is the value prop clear?
3. What features would you like to see in addition to what's listed?
  1. Does it deployed onto servers for clients or it's serverless? I'm asking because most of the companies don't pay for serverless unknown solutions, because calls are sensitive info.
  2. Pls add what the step is on the page. Because even for me with multiple yoe in IT difficult to understand pricing model.
  3. Does it produces any logs to solutions like Splunk?
my email vl**.**sov@referrs.me
@christianforumperson No it is not deployed to server for clients. It is similar to: uptime robot, updownio, hyperping, betteruptime. The value prop is instead of just being able to monitor one endpoint, you get to monitor uptime for a chain of API requests.

Each 'step' in a chain of API requests would consume 1 credit.

100% inspired by updown.io's pricing model, which I personally love: https://updown.io/#pricing

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