I'm going for my second SaaS try, wish me luck :D


New member
I'm Fabricio, a Software Developer who spent most of 2023 building a nutrition app that didn't succeed, largely because I didn't do any marketing, and spent a lot of time adding features. So, I stopped in December and started working as a freelancer to earn money.

Now, I'm giving it a second try, and I believe I'll succeed this time, but I'd like to hear your opinions. I want to build a website dedicated to achieving a six-pack (abs), and I want to offer it as a one-time payment, not a recurring subscription. The customer will receive a guide on how to achieve a six-pack as the initial and possibly only feature for the launch (I have a lot of features in mind but I won't commit the same error twice), along with comprehensive marketing.

I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

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