In a B2B2C app, how do you distinguish B users from C users?


New member
We have a platform that our customers use to do work for their customers. Obviously, we can't refer to both groups as "customers". We also have to distinguish our own internal users like Tech Support who will sometimes interact with the app and the B-users' data. What clear, simple labels should we use for these 3 groups?
  • Internal users, like Tech Support
  • Business users, who we directly sell to
  • Consumer users, who we don't deal with directly
@gracccy A is our company. B is the company we sell to (our customer). C is B's customers (their customer)

Our distinction is:

A Employees when referred to in documentation. In chats where super clear distinction isn't required it's just Employees or Staff.

B Users, Company/companies, client

B Client employees, client staff

C End-user, User customer, Company customer

We have 2 for our customers as we need to differentiate between the owner of the company and their staff.
@gracccy Building one out now, so not locked in stone. 3 separate types

A - Internal Users, must be unique

B - Business Users, RBAC controlled access to assigned account, must be unique (if it’s a problem, will be far enough in future it’s fine)

C - Customers, unique to contact method (phone/email) & business account

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