In desperate need of a good idea, P.S open to collaborate


New member
TLDR: I'm a web dev with 4 years of experience and am confident i can make pretty much anything yet can't figure out where to invest my time.

Quick intro, As a web dev, i spent most of my late teens and early twenties tinkering around and trying to make cool shit with technology, it took me about 4 years to master the web stack to a point where i am pretty confident i can make pretty much anything.

As cliche as it may sound, growing up, i was always fascinated by the stories of people like zuckerburg that were able to "make it" with purely software based products. I don't expect myself to become a billionaire within the next 10 years but i feel like i'm sitting on a gold mine and can't do anything with it. I have the technical skills required to create a killer product MVP that is enough to get some customers but can't seem to find an idea that's reasonably worth pursuing,

I'm not an expert with marketing and quite honestly prefer working on the tech side only and recognize that marketing is the hardest part of the whole equation.

My parameters for qualifying an idea as worth pursuing (inspired by Ycombinator's guide);
  1. Atleast 10,000 potential users in the market.
  2. A frequent problem
  3. I know where these people are and how to reach them.
I've had some ideas but i haven't really been able to tick off these points, i'm counting on building my own SAAS product in the next 5 years and it is part of my long term financial plan as i've given up other long term opportunities like pursuing a masters and moving abroad cause of that.

I could really use some advice on how you guys generate good, viable ideas, People on the internet give vague advice like Talk to the community, Research the market without any specific todos. Plus pretty much every organic method for reaching potential customers takes like 2 billion years before you even know whether the product has a market fit or not. The other option is to run paid ads for hundreds of dollars for every idea that i get to validate whether the idea is even worth pursuing.

I feel like i'm stuck in limbo and could really use some guiding

I would also be more than happy to collaborate if any of you feel like you have the idea and are looking for the technical skills to execute.

Thank you for taking the time to read.
@deadpool I’m in the same boat as you. I understand that good ideas come from solving real world problems but it’s finding those problems that I struggle with.

I was watching a presentation by Pieter Levels and he says you need to do things out of the ordinary to find unique ideas. Backpacking to another country, going skydiving, joining a new group or trying new hobbies. Anything to help you discover new markets and problems in that could be solved with code.
@cuddles333 Rich people: “I don’t understand why people don’t travel more”. Well it’s because I’m poor dumbass.

Srsly, I really don’t get the hype around that guy, yeah he “made it” financially, but as a human I think he sucks.
@sazbastein I mean you don’t need to be rich to travel but it definitely helps. I don’t judge him personally but you can’t lie that it’s impressive what he’s done and taking his advice on building projects is probably a good thing
@deadpool Hey OP, I can totally relate to your situation! I've been in the web-dev/indiehacking space for a similar amount of time and also felt that struggle to identify the "right" idea.

The answer: Build as many things as you can and see what sticks. Start with a simple idea or small products. Use as inspiration.

Since you say you can build anything, I would suggest building a cheaper versions of a successful Expensive SAAS. Recent example: and YouForm, cheaper alternatives to TypeForm. They have high ARR.

Another thing you should do is sign-up on and then create a profile on Cofounder-Matching . Since you are a confident technical person, you would be like a hot 22 year old girl on a dating app there.

I would like to stay connected with you because I am on a similar journey too. DM me

Edit: YouForm had an exit recently
@fetorahjesuslibertarian Thanks @fetorahjesuslibertarian but I am swamped with work myself, so I won''t be able to help today.

If you want your MVP made, pay someone on a freelancing site to do it. It will set you back around 3000$.

I know some folks who make MVPs for this price and have excellent track record. Let me know if you need finding someone.
@mrholland No problem :)

I found this from F5Bot but mostly I am just searching for the keywords in Twitter and Reddit and then replying. So manual work only for now haha
@mrholland Thanks for responding, the problem is that as a solo founder who doesn't have a lot of experience in marketing, ideas like Typeform are not really my cup of tea because i don't know what the customer persona for such a generally applicable software would look like and where i would be able to reach these potential customers. That's where i'm stuck at majorly.

As an example, in 2023 i created a lightweight recruitment software called, it was to simplify hiring for solo founders but i couldn't figure out how to reach people who would use that software without spending a ton on paid advertising, even though i'm pretty sure that people who use the popular competitors like would love my software, if that makese sense
@deadpool Similar but different situation. I’m fantastic at taking products to market and scaling revenue. I have the network but am actively looking for the product / idea I can take to it.

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