In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)


New member
Now that the world has opened up, would YC ever get back to doing in-person interviews; say for startups based in the US?

Virtual communications are convenient, however I always dislike them because one doesn't get to experience someone's emotions, see their energy & passion in their eyes. I believe there is something about looking at a person in the eye (in-person), that can make one see their real truth.

I also wonder; had AirBnB founders done a virtual interview, would YC have given them a chance; considering that PG said it's their energy, enthusiasm, and cereal box that made them take a chance on them?
@g0ldbug88 Does it used to be f2f interview? From what i recall, interview has always been online considering they interview about a thousand applicants and there are multiple partners in each interview
@g0ldbug88 Sounds like auditioning in a tv talent show where people are lining up outside... and when you get called, you only have 10 mins to impress the judges...

@marinda Pretty much. They have lots of different sections so there’s never more than a dozen people together waiting. And you’re in event spaces, so you’re spread out, able to talk to cofounders quietly, get a drink.

You’re undeniably stressed.

YC knows how to do events and organization really well.

Only advice I can give for your YC interview: get plenty of sleep before it. Any prep you do that eats into your quality sleep is net negative.

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