Increase your SaaS revenue overnight


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Hey Guys!

I used to work in digital marketing selling digital products. There's a powerful strategy called a "post-purchase one-click upsell" that significantly boosts sales. Here's the breakdown:

Imagine this:
  • A customer buys your product.
  • Normally: They get sent to a "thank you" page. ‍♂️
  • With post purchase Upsell: They see a page offering a relevant, complementary product.
The best part? They can buy it with one click, no need to re-enter payment details! This removes friction and leads to a massive 10-15% conversion rate (compared to the usual 0.5-3% checkout conversion).

Why aren't SaaS founders using this?

Here's the idea:
  • You offer your main product (e.g., $10/month).
  • After checkout, present an upsell: a yearly subscription at a discount (e.g., $100/year) or some other relevant product
Let's see how this can increase your monthly recurring revenue (MRR):
  • Without upsells: 100 users * $10/month = $1,000 MRR
  • With upsells:
    • 100 users * $10/month = $1,000 MRR (same as before)
    • post purchase one-click Upsells usually converts around 10%-15% of users, so let's say 10 users out of 100 buy your $20/month upsell.
    • 10 users * $20/month = $200 additional MRR
  • Total MRR with upsells: $1,000 + $200 = $1,200
This is a simplified example, but it shows how post-purchase upsells can significantly boost your revenue.

What do you think? Could this be a game-changer for SaaS sales?
@pxw521 Why Saas founders are not using a post purchase upsell? Well, customer are willing to pay for the one SaaS solution to solve their problem. That’s it.

Also I would feel f*cked seeing a price discount immediately after my purchase in the check-out flow.
@loice This, and also, first thing after a saas payment is using the product, anything between those two steps would be infuriating to user.

This mechanism can work for ecommerce, when after payment you just have to wait.
@loice I don't believe so. If you bought a membership for $10/month and after the purchase, the upsell page displays you can upgrade to the yealry plan for just $90/year, I think this will be a wonderful offer and users will be more than pleased to opt in for this plan.
@pxw521 The yearly plan upgrade makes sense.

Event though in most cases I won’t consider it an upsell but rather a payment option that they already faced during the initial purchase meaning they chose not to upgrade so conversion will be low.

When it comes to upselling other products I don’t see this happening in SaaS tbh. Maybe n a later stage but not during the initial purchase.

What would make sense is offering a discount on addons at that moment.
@pxw521 Is that even legal or secure? I feel like you need some sort checkout because how would you confirm the button click coming from the link is actually from the buyer’s cc?
@pxw521 Have seen any SAAS pricing page? Almost all of them have an annual AND a monthly pricing. Most of them default to an annual discounted price and the customer has to specifically choose monthly billing at a higher rate, if they want to.

Why do I get the feeling that you have no experience with SAAS?
@haydnp Before commenting, you should understand the concept properly, we are talking about a specific feature called post purchase one-click upsell/payment flow/funnel not pricing plan and it was just an example and last one, I have enough experience that I can build any complex piece of software
@pxw521 Well, your example was crap because every half decent sales page already offers an annual plan with discount.

With your enough years of experience you should have used a better example.
@pxw521 Upselling is a sales technique where you offer the potential customer an upgraded version of the product that they have already decided to buy.

Cross-selling is a sales technique where you offer the potential customer a product that is complementary to the one that they have already decided to buy.

Downselling is a sales technique where you offer the potential customer a product that is a downgraded (and thus less expensive) version of the offer that they rejected.

Ideally, you should implement all three techniques in your sales funnel, with one-click offers for each one.

This was a big shift mastered by clickfunnels like a decade ago.
@pxw521 While the concept is sound, it doesn’t work exactly like this for saas.

Nobody wants to purchase 2 subscriptions like that. Instead, I’d recommend your upsell is some kind of service such as implementation of your product or a discounted upgrade to a higher tier.

Conversely, you can sell something else on the front end and make your saas product the upsell. This works extremely well if you have some kind of training program that complements your saas.

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