IndieStack a private community for indie maker (25% discount)


New member
Hey there! 👋 I’m proud to introduce the IndieStack community. We’re a private community for digital makers, bootstrappers, indie founders, and solopreneurs. Our community members are absolutely amazing dedicated indie entrepreneurs making a better living online.

I created this private community because after 9 months of being an indie maker I realized I didn’t have any real online friends. Only people I followed. I vaguely knew many people but never felt like I was a part of anything. Being an indie entrepreneur is a lonely journey so I decided to create a tight and intimate community for us focused on building real genuine relationships.

Another reason I decided to create IndieStack was that so many of the public communities are rooted in building an audience and selling a product. It was getting pretty old to see posts where the author gives their value and then at the end pitches their product. It’s all engineered to bring customers and not build relationships.

Also, there are so many amazing indie entrepreneurs out there like Justin Jackson and Rob Walling who’re already indie superstars that it’s impossible to break into their inner circles. That’s another reason I created IndieStack. To give all of the other digital makers an opportunity to join an amazing inner circle where they can grow with the rest of their peers. We all benefit from the collective.

I welcome you to joining our thriving and growing community if you’re looking to build amazing friendships on your indie quest. We’re your digital family and we’re excited to have you join!

Today I want to give the ProductHunt 25% off all plans!

Update: We just crossed 100 members! (10+ have joined so far today)

Check us out on ProductHunt here

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