Interested in Participating in Academic Creativity Research Using Smartphone App for Data Collection by any chance?


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This is probably a bit out of the norm for posts here, but I am conducting PhD research on team learning & creative performance, and my passion is with startup teams. I just came across this subreddit and figured I would give it a go and see if any of you (and your teams) might be interested in helping out.

Participants all get $5 gift cards to Starbucks or Amazon (not much but all I can afford with my research grant) + a pretty in depth team creative performance & engagement report that can be used to optimize team leadership, functioning, and performance so your teams gets the right things done more effectively.

More about the research:

Jeff Fajans, under the supervision of Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (author of Flow) and Dr. Maritza Salazar (recent $400k NSF team science grant recipient), is investigating the efficacy of a mobile-based learning intervention that is intended to promote learning from experience, interpersonal helping behaviors and knowledge transfer, and ultimately creative performance of teams. This research is originally inspired by the Quantified Self and aims to learn more about the potential implications of personal technology on optimal functioning.

He is looking for teams to participate in a 7-day study that involves one initial online survey (10-12 minutes), a smartphone component (where you will be asked to download a data collection app, Paco, on your Android and iPhone and be pinged 6x a day and asked to respond to mini-surveys about your experience (45-90 seconds per ping), and one final online survey after the 7-day period is over (8-10 minutes).

Lastly, the researcher is a partner in a talent and organization development consultancy, Outlier Consulting Group, which consists of other insanely effective organizational psychology PhD students. We would love to offer to you a pro bono organization, team, or leadership development workshop in return for your participation.

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