Invested 1.5 years building our email verification tool, finally launching publicly on Product Hunt!


New member
I with my small bootstrapped team have been building KleanMail for the past 1.5 years. Our 10 years of experience has gone into the product. Today, we are launching KleanMail publicly for the first time. It's on Product Hunt!

The launch experience so far has been exciting as well as anxiety-filled.

There are many other similar tools out there, KleanMail stands out as it's the most accurate, economical and fastest verification tool.

💥 KleanMail Features:
  • Bulk Email Verification
  • Catch-all Validation
  • Spam Trap detection
  • API Integration with CRM
  • No file formatting required
  • Quick email validation
Feel free to sign up and share honest feedback with us. We intentionally priced it freemium so as to collect as much feedback as we can. Please show us some love here →

Thank you so much! ❤️
@belaya_zvezda Very cool and congratulations!!

Curious, how do you differentiate against the many established players in the space? Clearly there's only so many ways to accurately do this work at scale. What makes your firm stand apart?

I'm hopeful that I love your response because I'll be your next customer.
@halceko19 Thank you :)

-- faster processing time

-- more data points

-- they show you catch-all emails, we show you which catch-all emails are deliverable versus non-deliverable, however, we generally recommend, skipping catch-all altogether

-- we also find spam traps

-- our pricing is way more cheaper, it wouldn't hurt to pick an LTD

-- our community and support is fantastic! We did a masterclass day before yesterday, 1300+ people showed up across channels
@belaya_zvezda /@belaya_zvezda, I have found an error in your post:

“stands out as its [it's] the most accurate”

It could have been better if yasikolokan059 had posted “stands out as its [it's] the most accurate” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

[sup]This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs![/sup]

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