Inviting feedback on my startup's pilot plan


New member
I am considering building a product or platform to provide global investors (HNI & uHNI) with investment opportunities in the Indian private market (startup funding, M&A, secondary, and LP).

To begin, I have a database of 20K+ global investors. This is scrapped through platforms. The email ids have been validated however I have not sent any campaign (cold database so far).

2) Start sending newsletters directly to this database (not in one shot but in batches)ms. The email IDs have been validated however I have not sent any campaign (cold database so far).ly/bi-weekly. Once in a while, we will share the investment opportunity as well. However, the objective is to build relationships, trust, and brand for the first six months. The intention is not to have a transaction-based relationship but knowledge sharing.

I am thinking of two strategy

Run targeted ads using the email database and get these people to subscribe to my newsletter. The pros of this strategy are that I will get full information about the interested investors when they sign up. However, some people have told me that it might be very expensive (min. 30K/month ad budget for at least 6 months)

Start sending newsletters directly to this database (not in one shot but in batches). Cost-effective (i.e. only costs email marketing software).

Need help from experts to understand what route is best. Suggest. Or feel free if you have any additional comments on this.
@aceofspades618 I suggest starting with sending newsletters directly to your database in batches to establish trust and build relationships first, then consider targeted ads once you have a solid foundation. Good luck with your startup!

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